Laboratory Safety Equipment-2
In a scientific laboratory, experimenters would have access to the basic safety equipment listed below. If you are completing your Real Science Labs activities in your home pay special attention to any alternatives for the safety equipment and always remember to wear your personal protective equipment (PPE).
In a scientific laboratory, experimenters would have access to the basic safety equipment listed below. If you are completing your Real Science Labs activities in your home pay special attention to any alternatives for the safety equipment and always remember to wear your personal protective equipment (PPE).
Safety Glasses: Safety glasses/goggles are used to protect your eyes, and should be worn at all times when in the laboratory.
Gloves: Nitrile gloves are used to protect your hands from harmful chemicals. Please purchase a box of rubber gloves for this class (face to face only).
Safety Shower: A safety shower is used when a hazardous chemical is spilled on a person and they are not able to rinse it off completely in a sink. It can also be used if a person’s clothes catch on fire. Remove the contaminated clothes while rinsing your skin with a lot of water. In your home you will use can use your bathroom shower.
Eye Wash: An eye wash is used if a harmful chemical is splashed into your eyes or face. In your home you will find the nearest sink and splash water in your eyes for at least 20 minutes. If your sink has a sprayer, use it to rinse your eyes or face while making sure the water drains into the sink.
Fire Extinguisher: A fire extinguisher is used to put out small to medium fires. In a laboratory a fire extinguisher is a necessary piece of safety equipment. In many homes people keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen area or in the utility room. Ask your parents if there is a fire extinguisher in your home.
- Laboratory Fume Hood: A laboratory fume hood removes harmful gases and fumes sometimes present when doing an experiment. You should always work in a fume hood whenever you are working with corrosive, poisonous, or flammable materials. It is usually good practice to work in a well ventilated area, but the chemicals in your Real Science Labs kit will not require the use of a fume hood.