ATOD Overview

NC Essential Standards Addressed: 

9.ATOD.1: Understand the health risks associated with alcohol, tobacco and other drug use.

9.ATOD.2: Apply risk reduction behaviors to protect self and others from alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use.


After completing the module, students will be able to:

  • Explain the short term and long term effects of performance-enhancing drugs on health and eligibility to participate in sports.
  • Analyze the role of family, community, and cultural norms in deciding to use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
  • Contrast prescription medicines, nonprescription medicines, and illegal substances in terms of their use and abuse.
  • Summarize the risks of IV drug use, including blood borne diseases.
  • Predict the effects of substance abuse.
  • Summarize the consequences of alcohol or tobacco use during pregnancy.
  • Identify ways to avoid engaging in risky behaviors with someone who is under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
  • Use strategies for avoiding binge drinking.