Elaborate - Global Awareness (N)

  • Due No due date
  • Points 15
This assignment is part of the module Novice Level (N) - Global Awareness and hasn't been unlocked yet.

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    Find Rubric
    Digital Citizenship - Global Awareness (N)
    Digital Citizenship - Global Awareness (N)
    Criteria Ratings Pts
    The artifact shows evidence of providing opportunities for students to increase global awareness through researching and engaging with other cultures via various communication and collaboration tools.
    threshold: pts
    5 pts
    Yes, and...
    3 pts
    Yes, but...
    0 pts
    Not yet
    5 pts
    The artifact shows evidence of designing content and resources to provide each student with the appropriate educational services to meet his/her individual learning needs.
    threshold: pts
    5 pts
    Yes, and...
    3 pts
    Yes, but...
    0 pts
    Not yet
    5 pts
    Rationale: An explanation for your artifact that addresses these items: (1) Describe the artifact. (2) What is the context of the artifact? (3) How was this work beneficial to your professional growth? (4) How has this work positively impacted student learning?
    threshold: pts
    5 pts
    Yes, and...
    3 pts
    Yes, but...
    0 pts
    Not yet
    5 pts
    Total Points: 15 out of 15