Course Syllabus

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About this Course

Students have the opportunity to learn how to evaluate the components and functions of a standardized recipe, complete food costing worksheets, convert formulas/recipes correctly and perform basic math functions to include fractions, weights and measurements. Menu pricing to include giving the overall cost, individual cost and menu sales price with yield test percentages for purchasing is reviewed. Determine the amounts of product needed in a baking and pastry recipe using the baker’s percentage method. Labor cost and benefits are discussed.

* There are no prerequisites for this course

* Class times Monday/Wednesday/Friday 7-8 AM,  July 6 - August 12

Renton Technical College recognizes and values diversity between students on campus, including cultural diversity, diversity of age, life style, race, religion, and financial backgrounds.


About your Instructor:

Your instructor is Eunice Graham

image of Eunice Graham  

To contact me, please go to "Inbox" at the bar on the left side of the Canvas page.

I will respond to any messages I receive within 24 hours. If you are having trouble, I am available for one-on-one Zoom sessions by appointment.

Math is a very useful subject, important for many jobs, college programs, and everyday life. I have always found math to be challenging but fun, and I hope to make it enjoyable for you. I have taught English as a Second Language at RTC since 2010, and I’ve also taught for two years in China. I volunteered as an ESL teacher for many years before that. Besides ESL, I’ve taught in some I-BEST programs and some workforce programs at RTC. I love teaching. I’ve taught different classes in the community as well.

Materials and Textbooks needed to succeed:

* You will not need to buy a textbook. All material for the course is in the Canvas shell under Modules.

* You will need a calculator or smartphone calculator. I recommend acquiring a kitchen calculator or another calculator that is able to work with fractions.


This course is Hybrid: A combination of face-to-face meetings and online instruction. We will meet three mornings a week in Bldg. I Room 101, and there will be a homework assignment on paper given to complete with some time to complete it. You will need to put in another hour of work before the next class time to: complete the homework assignment, review instructions for the unit, and take the quiz for the unit.

More Help for your Success!

  1. LRCC (student technology resources, tutoring, etc) and Emergency Resources (jobs, food, childcare, etc) can be found in the Help Tab on the left. 

  2. Campus-wide policies and resources for students are found in the Student Resources.

  3. Canvas Help: Text (206) 395-6022 or email

Land Acknowledgement: We acknowledge that RTC sits uninvited on the ancestral land of the Puget Salish people, including the DuwamishSuquamishSnoqualmieTulalip, and Muckleshoot Nations.  We are grateful to the original inhabitants of this land, upon which we gather and dialogue. We also acknowledge our increasingly virtual world, in which RTC’s work is done across multiple indigenous lands, in some cases, away from Puget Salish territories. We thank the original caretakers of our local lands and waters, who are still here.

Beyond acknowledgment, we each have an obligation to learn about and support our local tribes. Find out how on the Student Resources tab, which includes scholarships for Indigenous students.

Note: If you know you will be absent from course activities due to reasons of faith or conscience, you may request reasonable accommodations so that your grades will not be affected. There is no penalty if you do this. Such requests must be made within the first two weeks of the course. You must let your instructor know and follow the procedure found in Student Rights and Responsibilities on the Student Resources  tab

Course Outcomes

What you will take away:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to perform basic math functions from addition to division, fractions and percentages.
  2. Calculate and demonstrate finding a total cost and cost per unit for recipes using a food cost form.
  3. Convert basic units of measure to mixed units of measure based on the U.S. kitchen weight and volume standards.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to convert metric and US units.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to find as-purchased (APC) and edible portion (EPC) costing, and yield percentages for edible portion quantity (EPQ) from as purchased quantity (APQ).
  6. Conduct yield tests of various products and explain EPC/APC effect on overall recipe costs.
  7. Demonstrate the ability to determine a selling price for menu items in a restaurant based on standard recipe cost and expected food cost percentage.
  8. Explain what variables, semi-variable, and fixed expense are and how to control them per industry standards.

You will meet these outcomes by:

* Your instructor will give a lecture each class meeting to introduce new material, as well as clarify any issues with previous material. The lecture material covered will be found in the modules for review, and supplementary videos will be available as well. You will take a quiz on each lesson.

* All assignments, quizzes, and instructional materials can be found in the Canvas Modules.

Tips for Success

To be successful in this course, you will attend all class sessions, complete homework and quizzes, and review materials as needed.

Course Grading

* Homework Assignments are worth 35% of the grade. Quizzes are worth 45% of the grade. Participation is 20% of the grade.

* Homework is considered a learning experience and is not graded for accuracy, but completion. However, in order to receive credit you must show how you set up each problem, not simply give the answers. You must also turn in the "scratch paper" from the quizzes showing how you set up each problem. This can be done in the actual quiz by submitting a photo or scan, or it can be done on paper the next class day. You will not receive credit for a quiz without turning in the scratch paper. If you are late with a homework assignment or a quiz, you will lose two participation points, but the assignment or quiz itself will be scored to full credit.

All campus-wide policies and resources for students can be found on the Student Resources tab.

RTC Grading Scale


  Overall Rating

Performance indicators. This student:


95 - 100%

Excellent Performance

  • demonstrates consistent mastery of learning outcomes for the course;
  • demonstrates ability to interpret, integrate, and apply learning outcomes beyond the context of the course through application of critical and creative thinking skills;
  • completes work assignments that consistently exceed requirements;
  • demonstrates consistent leadership in class-participation activities.


93 - 94%









Above-Average Performance

  • demonstrates a high level of competence in learning outcomes for the course;
  • demonstrates ability to interpret, integrate, and apply learning outcomes within the context of the course through application of critical and creative thinking skills;
  • completes work assignments that consistently meet requirements;
  • contributes regularly to class-participation activities





















Average Performance

  • demonstrates an adequate level of competence in learning outcomes for the course;
  • demonstrates competent ability to interpret, integrate, and apply learning outcomes within the context of the course;
  • completes work assignments that satisfy minimum requirements for the course;
  • satisfies minimum requirements for class-participation activities













Minimum Performance

  • demonstrates minimum competence in some learning outcomes for the course;
  • completes work assignments that usually meet minimum requirements;
  • contributes inconsistently or infrequently to class-participation activities.


















63% -61%



Unsatisfactory Performance

  • cannot demonstrate competence in many or fundamental outcomes for the course;
  • submits work assignments that frequently do not meet minimum requirements, or does not complete the assigned work;
  • does not satisfy minimum requirements for attendance or contribution to class activities.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due