Leadership in Digital Learning - Teacher Edition: Spring 2019


DLC Resource Backpack.jpg

Welcome to the

Digital Learning Competencies

Resource Backpack!

Let's face it, we live in a digital world where our daily lives revolve around technology.  We bank online, we view media for entertainment, we shop online, and we communicate digitally.  Are we digital-ready educators?  

In this hands-on interactive course, discover the resources in the DLC Backpack and grow your knowledge of the competencies.

In this course, participants will:

  1. Self-evaluate your level of each DLC.
  2. Dig deep into each competency and explore resources to grow your knowledge base. 
  3. Create artifacts to show what you have learned.
  4. Connect with other educators from around the state to discuss experiences and collaborate. 


About this Course:

 Intended Audience

 This course is intended for teachers in K-12. It will also be beneficial for anyone who will provide professional learning to K-12 teachers.


This course is designed to help teachers explore, understand and demonstrate the NC Digital Learning Competencies.


Professional learners (teachers) in this course will watch videos, use Canvas documentation and participate in discussions to learn and apply that learning to their classroom.  Along the way, teachers will earn micro-credentials for each competency, adding up to a Focus Area badge.


The content of this course was built by the NC Department of Public Instruction, Digital Teaching and Learning Division. 

 Time Needed

Each competency (module) contains three activities for the teacher.  Some modules may take more time for teachers, but on average will take an hour to complete. 


We are excited about your journey into learning more about the Digital Learning Competency Focus Area Leadership in Digital Learning! As you begin, take the time to review this Focus Area:

Click on the image to open in a new window.






The digital resources included in this backpack have been helpful to some educators across the state. However, due to the rapidly changing digital environment, NCDPI does not represent nor endorse that these resources are the exclusive digital resources for the purposes outlined on this backpack.


CC Attribution Non-Commercial This course content is offered under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial Links to an external site. license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.