Course Syllabus


Here is the listing of my office hours and preferred methods of contact for you and your parents if they have questions. I can also help with or if you need help with any of your work--including science, social studies and regular ELA--you can contact me. IF you guys see a need or wish to have video conference calls, please let me know...I've already set up a zoom account and have used it previously for other trainings and such. My daily, flexible office hours will be 10AM until 11AM and 2PM until 3PM; Zoom meetings will be announced in the daily announcements and texted... Office hours (10AM and 2PM): This would be my normalish planning time, therefore making me free to plan!! I will provide my zoom account should we have meeting or other.  In addition, I have a new "text" option, which allows you guys to text my Canvas account who will in turn contact my Pitt County Schools accounts. This allows me to have "very flexible" office hours. IF you text BEFORE 8AM or after 6PM, please DO NOT expect a response, it will be at least 24 hours before I can respond. Also, if you decide to use this service as a way to continue being disruptive, know I will turn over any and all text records to admin. ALL communication between teachers and students should only revolve around instruction and concerns about this course.  The following are the most appropriate times (as well as contact) and fastest ways to get in touch:

Teacher Virtual Office Hours: 11AM and 2 PM Monday--Friday

Teacher email:

Teacher text service: 252-375-4873

Teacher Zoom: 479-812-7073 (call in);


The expectations, rules, procedures and consequences of in the online learning environment are quite different but often yield similar results. All rules, laws and procedures established by teachers and/or police departments  are intended to keep your personal environment safe, orderly, and productive. Whether you are at home learning or in the classroom, you still have bullys, due dates and people who take advantage of others through criminal activities. Please respect the rules so that we can maximize learning time together. Also, please understand that respect is earned, so far several of you have not only earned my respect but also admiration!!  The rules are not hard to follow, nor are any of them “CRUEL OR UNUSUAL”  They are simply expected behaviors for any elementary, middle or high school students who are becoming digital citizens.   If you have any questions about any of these rules, or why they are in place, you have the right to find out – please ask me as soon as possible.  The cool part about online learning:  less rules, more freedom. If you're in a chat with me and others and you have to go to the bathroom....guess what, go! No more carrying your passorts to class or submitting an incomplete assignment.  The rules are pretty simple and provided below. 

Online Rules



While this is an “encore” course, it’s still a class with grades. It’s not curriculum assistance or study hall. Mostly, we will spend our time focusing on vocabulary building and sustained reading activities. Initially, we will work with non-ficton and it’s different pieces. This will include key terms and some writing activities. I have the basic framework, we will build from there. For now, we are concerned with completion and understanding, NOT GRADES. So please do your best to complete the work but do so as you feel; complete at own place




Spelling tests, anchor charts, writing assignments, iReady participation and growth, projects. 



Handouts, graphic organizers, book reviews, essential question journals, vocabulary activities such as quizlet vocabulary flashcards.



Flocabulary quizzes, NEWSELA articles,CNN10/Current Events journals, any other assignments not counted as previous two categories



And for now...#gohomestayhome!!

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