Current Events Friday #2
- Due Apr 27, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Apr 23, 2020 at 12am - Jun 3, 2020 at 11:59pm
Directions: Please complete the provided graphic organizer as you watch the Al-Jaazeera video. This can be completed two ways: 1) print the .pdf file and fill in by hand OR 2) open in Google drive and then make a copy and type answers. (*Make copy by going to “file”...scroll until you see “make a copy” then save “copy” with your name into your Google drive)
WHO: is/are the people or person being impacted by the story?? |
WHEN: is this story occurring, what is the time period or date? |
WHERE: is the story set, in what geopolticial, country, state, city? |
WHY: is this story important; how does this story impact you in your location and current time? |
WHAT: is the main idea; give a BRIEF summary of the video/story?? |
Directions: Please complete the provided graphic organizer as you read the article on “”Bear Hunts and Encouraging Words” Please provide at least 2 points or happy statements that support or encourage everyone. This can be completed two ways: 1) print the .pdf file and fill in by hand OR 2) open in Google drive and then make a copy and type answers. (*Make copy by going to “file”...scroll until you see “make a copy” then save “copy” with your name into your Google drive)
WHO: is/are the people or person being impacted by the story?? |
WHEN: is this story occurring, what is the time period or date? |
WHERE: is the story set, in what geopolticial, country, state, city? |
WHY: is this story important; how does this story impact you in your location and current time? |
WHAT: is the main idea; give a BRIEF summary of the video/story?? |
HOW are the Teddy Bear hunts and placement of Teddy Bears helping children?